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Salve Regina from "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" with words@AveMariaRecords #pray #faith

Salve Regina from "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" with words@AveMariaRecords #pray #faith

Ave Maria Records brings you "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" Salve Regina Chanted by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Latin: Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae: Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus, exsules, filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes In hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, Advocata nostra, Illos tuos misericordes oculos Ad nos converte. Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis, post hoc exsilium ostende. O clemens, O pia O dulcis Virgo Maria! English: Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee we send up your sighs, mourning and weeping In this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, And after this, our exile, show unto us, The blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Stores: Spotify: Apple: Amazon: Deezer: Napster: Donate: Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey. Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™. Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: #salveregina #gregorianchant #rosary #avemariarecords #mothermary #cantorrevmishajoy
Gloria Patri from "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" w/ words@AveMariaRecords#Pray #glorybe

Gloria Patri from "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" w/ words@AveMariaRecords#Pray #glorybe

Ave Maria Records brings you "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" Gloria Patri Chanted by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Latin: Gloria Patri, Et Filio, Et Spiritui Sancto, Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, Et semper, Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. English: Glory be to the Father And to the Son And to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning, is now, And ever shall be World without end Amen. Stores: Spotify: Apple: Amazon: Deezer: Napster: Donate: Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey. Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™. Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: #gloriapatri #gregorianchant #rosary #avemariarecords #mothermary #cantorrevmishajoy
Ave Maria from "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" with words@AveMariaRecords #hailmary #pray

Ave Maria from "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" with words@AveMariaRecords #hailmary #pray

Ave Maria Records brings you "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" Ave Maria Chanted by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Latin: Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostae. Amen. English: Hail Mary, full of grace! the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Stores: Spotify: Apple: Amazon: Deezer: Napster: Donate: Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey. Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™. Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: #avemaria #gregorianchant #rosary #avemariarecords #mothermary #cantorrevmishajoy
Pater Noster from "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" with words @AveMariaRecords #ourfather

Pater Noster from "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" with words @AveMariaRecords #ourfather

Ave Maria Records brings you "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" Pater Noster Chanted by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Latin: Pater noster, qui es in cælis, Sanctificetur nomen tuum, Adveniat regnum tuum, Fiat voluntas tua, Sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, Sed libera nos a malo. Amen English: Our Father, who is in heaven, Blessed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, As it is in heaven, and on earth. Our daily bread Give to us this day, And forgive us of our debts, As we also forgive Our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But rather free us from evil. Amen. Stores: Spotify: Apple: Amazon: Deezer: Napster: Donate: Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey. Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™. Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: #paternoster #gregorianchant #rosary #avemariarecords #mothermary #cantorrevmishajoy #Jesus
Symbolum Apostolorum (Apostles Creed) "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" @AveMariaRecords

Symbolum Apostolorum (Apostles Creed) "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" @AveMariaRecords

Ave Maria Records brings you "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" Symbolum Apostolorum (Apostles Creed) Chanted by Cantor Rev Misha Joy @MargoJoy Latin: CREDO in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam. Amen. English: I BELIEVE in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Stores: Spotify: Apple: Amazon: Deezer: Napster: Donate: Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey. Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™. Visit her record label, to learn more. @MargoJoy Links: #apostlescreed #gregorianchant #symbolumapostolorum #rosary #avemariarecords #mothermary #cantorrevmishajoy
5 Decades "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" with words to follow @AveMariaRecords #prayers

5 Decades "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" with words to follow @AveMariaRecords #prayers

*** AD FREE DURING PRAYER *** Ave Maria Records brings you "Miracles of the Gregorian Chant Rosary" Five Decades Chanted by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Latin: CREDO in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam. Amen. English: I BELIEVE in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, Who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Latin: Pater noster, qui es in cælis, Sanctificetur nomen tuum, Adveniat regnum tuum, Fiat voluntas tua, Sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, Sed libera nos a malo. Amen English: Our Father, who is in heaven, Blessed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, As it is in heaven, and on earth. Our daily bread Give to us this day, And forgive us of our debts, As we also forgive Our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But rather free us from evil. Amen. Latin: Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostae. Amen. English: Hail Mary, full of grace! the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Latin: Gloria Patri, Et Filio, Et Spiritui Sancto, Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, Et semper, Et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. English: Glory be to the Father And to the Son And to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning, is now, And ever shall be World without end Amen. Latin: Salve, Regina, mater misericordiae: Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus, exsules, filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes In hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, Advocata nostra, Illos tuos misericordes oculos Ad nos converte. Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis, post hoc exsilium ostende. O clemens, O pia O dulcis Virgo Maria! English: Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee we send up your sighs, mourning and weeping In this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, And after this, our exile, show unto us, The blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Stores: Spotify: Apple: Amazon: Deezer: Napster: Donate: Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. She is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey. Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™ Visit her record label, to learn more. #fivedecadesrosary #gregorianchant #rosary #symbolumapostolorum #fivedecadesgregorianchant #avemariarecords #mothermary #cantorrevmishajoy #apostlescreed #ourfather #paternoster #gloriapatri #avemaria
Ave Maria by Franz Schubert | Recorded & Performed by Margo Joy @AveMariaRecords

Ave Maria by Franz Schubert | Recorded & Performed by Margo Joy @AveMariaRecords

Margo Joy - AVE MARIA by Franz Schubert Lyric Soprano | Concert & Recording Artist M Joy Productions Pexels **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** Ave Maria Gratia plena Maria, gratia plena Maria, gratia plena Ave ave dominus Dominus tecum In mulieribus Et benedictus Et benedictus Fructus ventris Ventris tui jésus Ave Maria Ave Maria Mater dei Ora ora pronobis Peccatoribus Ora ora pronobis Ora ora pronobis Peccatoribus Nunc et in hora mortis In hora mortis nostrae In hora mortis mortis mortis nostrae In hora mortis nostrae Ave Maria Website: Stores: Apple: Spotify: iTunes: Amazon: Napster: Deezer: iheart radio: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: https://www.Twitter.MargoJoy444 Pinterest: LinkedIn: Artist Representation: Bill Porter Music Special thanks to Anna-Lisa Jakobsson-Zaffke 🎼🙏🏻 Donations: **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** #avemaria #margojoy #franzschubert #classicalmusic #gospel #mothermary #ourlady #singersongwriter #recordingartist #youtubemusic #youtube #newmusic #andreabocelli #sarahbrightman #ilvolo #operasinger #davidfoster #classicalsinger
Quando Me'n Vo | Margo Joy | La Boheme | Musetta's Waltz | Puccini @AveMariaRecords

Quando Me'n Vo | Margo Joy | La Boheme | Musetta's Waltz | Puccini @AveMariaRecords

Margo Joy (lyric soprano) concert & recording artist Puccini: La Boheme / Act 2 - "Quando Me'n Vo'" Vocal Producer: Ben Bagby Video Production: M Joy Productions Pexels Artist Representation by Bill Porter Music BPM-INT **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** Stores: iTunes: Apple Music: Spotify: Amazon: Deezer: Napster: iHeart Radio: **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: LinkedIn: Donations: #margojoy #quandomenvo #laboheme #musettaswaltz #singersongwriter #recordingartist #youtubemusic #youtube #andreabocelli #sarahbrightman #ilvolo #operasinger #popera #davidfoster #lyricsoprano #soprano #benbagby #puccini
Panis Angelicus | written by Saint Thomas Aquinus | composed by César Franck @AveMariaRecords

Panis Angelicus | written by Saint Thomas Aquinus | composed by César Franck @AveMariaRecords

“Panis Angelicus" Performed and Recorded by Margo Joy Composed by César Franck Written by Saint Thomas Aquinus M Joy Productions | Pexels I sing this song for you, Angels in heaven. At this time, as humanity shifts into a higher vibration of love, kindness, peace and generosity. Surround us with your wings and send us your strength, faith, healing and protection. ~ Margo Joy Translation: May the Bread of Angels Become bread for mankind; The Bread of Heaven puts All foreshadowings to an end; Oh, thing miraculous! The body of the Lord will nourish the poor, the poor, the servile, and the humble Panis angelicus Fit panis hominum Dat panis coelicus Figuris terminum O res mirabilis Manducat dominum Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis Artist Representation by Bill Porter Music Dedicated to Anna-Lisa Jakobsson-Zaffke **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** Stores: Apple Music: Spotify: Amazon: Deezer: Napster: iheart radio: **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: LinkedIn: Donations: #margojoy #panisangelicus #saintthomasaquinus #singersongwriter #recordingartist #opera #soprano #youtubemusic #youtube #newmusic #andreabocelli #sarahbrightman #ilvolo #operasinger #popera #davidfoster #contepartiro #omiobabbinocaro #avemaria #lyricsoprano
ALWAYS by Margo Joy #Faith #Prayer #Healing #Love #NewJerusalem #Messiah @AveMariaRecords

ALWAYS by Margo Joy #Faith #Prayer #Healing #Love #NewJerusalem #Messiah @AveMariaRecords

ALWAYS written, recorded & produced by Margo Joy Video recorded & produced by @MargoJoy Ave Maria Records 2022 @AveMariaRecords **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** Margo Joy (Cantor Rev Misha Joy) is a cantor for a synagogue and a reverend with her own ministry, where she counsels full time. She has been chanting prayers her entire life. “God’s words are the source of our creation.” Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. The first volume out of many has already been released from the four series of Prayers of the Testaments, God’s Words™ for Shabbat, High Holy Days, Passover and Hanukkah for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together. “The chants and prayers resonate within my soul. My heart desires to share God’s love for his children. May we join together with love and devotion and create a pathway of purity for our Messiah to come now."  Ave Maria Records was founded by Margo Joy in 2020, as a home for the distribution of Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words. Proceeds from this project will be used for its mission, World United in Prayer™, to build orphanages for God's children, the vision for Ave Maria Homes For God's Children™. “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.” “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.” “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~ Cantor Rev Misha Joy (Margo Joy) Donations: Paypal: BuyMeACoffee: Stores: iTunes: Apple Music: Spotify: Shazam: Deezer: iheartradio: Napster: Amazon: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: https://www.Twitter.MargoJoy444 Pinterest: LinkedIn: Thank you 🙏🏻 Winter by LiQWYD | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #Always #MargoJoy #Faith #Healing #NewJerusalem #Love #ChristiansandJewsUnited #EndTimes #God #HolySpirit #SingerSongwriter #RecordingArtist #youtubemusic #youtube #newmusic #gospel #christian #jewish #messianic #GodsChildren #pray #operasinger #popera #pop #newsingle #Jesus #God #MotherMary
“GIVE WHILE YOU LIVE” by Margo Joy @AveMariaRecords

“GIVE WHILE YOU LIVE” by Margo Joy @AveMariaRecords

Thanksgiving & Holiday Season Song “GIVE WHILE YOU LIVE” Written by Margo Joy Produced and Arranged by David Nizri Guitar by Yair Michael Keyboard by Uzi Nizri M JOY Productions Copyright 2020 "Give While You Live and know where it goes..." In Loving Memory of Countess Henrietta de Hoernle Dedicated to Sue and Yaacov Heller PLEASE SHARE...and let's make a difference together ❤️ **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** Stores: iTunes: Apple Music: Spotify: Deezer: **Please Subscribe and Receive Notifications of New Music** Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: https://www.Twitter.MargoJoy444 Pinterest: LinkedIn: Donations: #margojoy #givewhileyoulive #helpthoseinneed #davidnizri #charity #singersongwriter #recordingartist #youtubemusic #youtube #newmusic #pop #philanthropy #savetheworld #donate #thanksgiving #christmas #holidayseason
PRAYING FOR YOU "Dedicated To Travis" by Margo Joy @MargoJoy #healing #faith #God

PRAYING FOR YOU "Dedicated To Travis" by Margo Joy @MargoJoy #healing #faith #God

PRAYING FOR YOU "Dedicated To Travis" Written, Recorded and Produced by Margo Joy @MargoJoy Margo's dear friend Travis was a victim of a horrific hate crime. Details in this link below: Proceeds from PRAYING FOR YOU on all store platforms will go to Travis for his medical and living expenses. 🙏🏻 Thank you. Stores: iTunes: Apple Music: Spotify: Shazam: Deezer: iheartradio: Napster: Amazon: Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: https://www.Twitter.MargoJoy444 Pinterest: LinkedIn: Donations: Paypal: BuyMeACoffee: #prayingforyou #healing #faith #margojoy #avemariarecords #singersongwriter #hatecrime #God #tragicaccident #recordingartist #youtubemusic #youtube #newmusic #messiah #NewJerusalem #Love #ChristiansandJewsUnited #EndTimes #HolySpirit #gospel #christian #jewish #messianic #GodsChildren #catholic #pray #operasinger #popera #pop #newsingle #Jesus #MotherMary #prayer
Berosh Hashanah (B’rosh) Prayers of the Testaments™ High Holiday Series"The Great Shofar is Sounded"

Berosh Hashanah (B’rosh) Prayers of the Testaments™ High Holiday Series"The Great Shofar is Sounded"

@MargoJoy {High Holy Days} Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words High Holiday Series “The Great Shofar is Sounded” Berosh Hashanah | It Is Written Prayer Series in Hebrew and English Written, Recorded and Produced by Cantor Rev Misha Joy חזנית מישה שמחה (Includes Original Melodies) M Joy Productions Video Production by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Photography footage of Israel by Rani Goldschmidt Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. This is only the first volume of each series of many volumes to be released for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together.  "Learn the Prayers our Messiah prayed..." Mission: World United in Prayer™ “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.”   ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.”  ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy Cantor Rev Misha Joy Copyright 2021 Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey.  Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™.  Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: Donate: Available in all Music Stores: Apple: Spotify: Social: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music Credit & License: Emotional Piano Improvisation by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #roshhashanah #yomkippur #highholidays #cantorrevmishajoy #prayersofthetestaments #worldunitedinprayer #God #jewishprayers #hebrewprayers #messianicprayers #messianic #jewsandchristiansunited #jewishprayers #jewish #jewsandchristianstogether #christians #jews #messiah #jesus #mothermary #prayers #zochreinu #habenyakirli #ashamnu #avinumalkeinu #uvashofargadol #hineni #hayomtamtzeinu #uteshuvah #beroshhashanah #learntopray #pray #faith #moshiachnow
Hineni | Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

Hineni | Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

@MargoJoy {High Holy Days} Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words High Holiday Series “The Great Shofar is Sounded” Hineni | Here I am Prayer Series in Hebrew and English Written, Recorded and Produced by Cantor Rev Misha Joy חזנית מישה שמחה (Includes Original Melodies) M Joy Productions Video Production by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Photography footage of Israel by Rani Goldschmidt Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. This is only the first volume of each series of many volumes to be released for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together.  "Learn the prayers our Messiah prayed..." Mission: World United in Prayer™ “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.”   ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.”  ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy Cantor Rev Misha Joy Copyright 2021 Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey.  Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™.  Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: Donate: Available in all Music Stores: Apple: Spotify: Social: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music Credit & License: Melodic Interlude Two by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #roshhashanah #yomkippur #highholidays #cantorrevmishajoy #prayersofthetestaments #worldunitedinprayer #God #jewishprayers #hebrewprayers #messianicprayers #messianic #jewsandchristiansunited #jewishprayers #jewish #jewsandchristianstogether #christians #jews #messiah #jesus #mothermary #prayers #zochreinu #habenyakirli #ashamnu #avinumalkeinu #uvashofargadol #hineni #hayomtamtzeinu #uteshuvah #beroshhashanah #learntopray #pray #faith #moshiachnow
Zochreinu LeChayim | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

Zochreinu LeChayim | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

@MargoJoy {High Holy Days} Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words High Holiday Series “The Great Shofar is Sounded” Zochreinu LeChayim | Remember Us for life Prayer Series in Hebrew and English Written, Recorded and Produced by Cantor Rev Misha Joy חזנית מישה שמחה (Includes Original Melodies) M Joy Productions Video Production by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Photography footage of Israel by Rani Goldschmidt Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. This is only the first volume of each series of many volumes to be released for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together.  "Learn the prayers our Messiah prayed..." Mission: World United in Prayer™ “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.”   ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.”  ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy Cantor Rev Misha Joy Copyright 2021 Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey.  Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™.  Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: Donate: Available in all Music Stores: Apple: Spotify: Social: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music Credit & License: Blooming Melody by Keys of Moon | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #roshhashanah #yomkippur #highholidays #cantorrevmishajoy #prayersofthetestaments #worldunitedinprayer #God #jewishprayers #hebrewprayers #messianicprayers #messianic #jewsandchristiansunited #jewishprayers #jewish #jewsandchristianstogether #christians #jews #messiah #jesus #mothermary #prayers #zochreinu #habenyakirli #ashamnu #avinumalkeinu #zachreinu #uvashofargadol #hineni #hayomtamtzeinu #uteshuvah #beroshhashanah #learntopray #pray #faith #moshiachnow
Uvashofar Gadol | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

Uvashofar Gadol | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

@MargoJoy {High Holy Days} Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words High Holiday Series “The Great Shofar is Sounded” Uvashofar Gadol | The Great Shofar is Sounded Prayer Series in Hebrew and English Written, Recorded and Produced by Cantor Rev Misha Joy (Includes Original Melodies) M Joy Productions Video Production by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Photography footage of Israel by Rani Goldschmidt and Pexels Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. This is only the first volume of each series of many volumes to be released for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together.  "Learn the prayers our Messiah prayed..." Mission: World United in Prayer™ “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.”   ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.”  ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy Cantor Rev Misha Joy Copyright 2021 Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey.  Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™.  Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: Donate: Available in all Music Stores: Apple: Spotify: Social: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music Credit & License: Give Me A Smile by Free Music | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #roshhashanah #yomkippur #highholidays #cantorrevmishajoy #prayersofthetestaments #worldunitedinprayer #God #jewishprayers #hebrewprayers #messianicprayers #messianic #jewsandchristiansunited #jewishprayers #jewish #jewsandchristianstogether #christians #jews #messiah #jesus #mothermary #prayers #zochreinu #habenyakirli #ashamnu #avinumalkeinu #uvashofargadol #hineni #hayomtamtzeinu #uteshuvah #beroshhashanah #learntopray #pray #faith #moshiachnow
Avinu Malkeinu | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

Avinu Malkeinu | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

@MargoJoy {High Holy Days} Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words High Holiday Series “The Great Shofar is Sounded” Avinu Malkeinu | Our Father Our King Prayer Series in Hebrew and English Written, Recorded and Produced by Cantor Rev Misha Joy (Includes Original Melodies) M Joy Productions Video Production by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Photography footage of Israel by Rani Goldschmidt and Pexels Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. This is only the first volume of each series of many volumes to be released for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together.  "Learn the prayers our Messiah prayed..." Mission: World United in Prayer™ “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.”   ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.”  ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy Cantor Rev Misha Joy Copyright 2021 Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey.  Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™.  Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: Donate: Available in all Music Stores: Apple: Spotify: Social: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music Credit & License: Roa - Remember (JayJen Remix) by JayJen | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #roshhashanah #yomkippur #highholidays #cantorrevmishajoy #prayersofthetestaments #worldunitedinprayer #God #jewishprayers #hebrewprayers #messianicprayers #messianic #jewsandchristiansunited #jewishprayers #jewish #jewsandchristianstogether #christians #jews #messiah #jesus #mothermary #prayers #zochreinu #habenyakirli #ashamnu #avinumalkeinu #uvashofargadol #hineni #hayomtamtzeinu #uteshuvah #beroshhashanah #learntopray #pray #faith #moshiachnow
Haben Yakir Li | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

Haben Yakir Li | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

@MargoJoy {High Holy Days} Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words High Holiday Series “The Great Shofar is Sounded” Haben Yakir Li | Precious Son Prayer Series in Hebrew and English Written, Recorded and Produced by Cantor Rev Misha Joy חזנית מישה שמחה (Includes Original Melodies) M Joy Productions Video Production by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Photography footage of Israel by Rani Goldschmidt Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. This is only the first volume of each series of many volumes to be released for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together.  "Learn the prayers our Messiah prayed..." Mission: World United in Prayer™ “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.”   ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.”  ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy Cantor Rev Misha Joy Copyright 2021 Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey.  Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™.  Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: Donate: Available in all Music Stores: Apple: Spotify: Social: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music Credit & License: Reaching The Sky (2020) by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #roshhashanah #yomkippur #highholidays #cantorrevmishajoy #prayersofthetestaments #worldunitedinprayer #God #jewishprayers #hebrewprayers #messianicprayers #messianic #jewsandchristiansunited #jewishprayers #jewish #jewsandchristianstogether #christians #jews #messiah #jesus #mothermary #prayers #zochreinu #habenyakirli #ashamnu #avinumalkeinu #uvashofargadol #hineni #hayomtamtzeinu #uteshuvah #beroshhashanah #learntopray #pray #faith #moshiachnow
Hayom Tamtzeinu | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

Hayom Tamtzeinu | Prayers of the Testaments™ | High Holiday Series "The Great Shofar is Sounded"

@MargoJoy {High Holy Days} Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words High Holiday Series “The Great Shofar is Sounded” Hayom Tamtzeinu | Today May You Strengthen Us Prayer Series in Hebrew and English Written, Recorded and Produced by Cantor Rev Misha Joy (Includes Original Melodies) M Joy Productions @MargoJoy Video Production by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Photography footage of Israel by Rani Goldschmidt and Pexels Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. This is only the first volume of each series of many volumes to be released for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together.  "Learn the prayers our Messiah prayed..." Mission: World United in Prayer™ “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.”   ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.”  ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy Cantor Rev Misha Joy Copyright 2021 Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry, and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey.  Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™.  Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: Donate: Available in all Music Stores: Apple: Spotify: Social: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music Credit & License: Adventure by Alexander Nakarada | Music promoted by Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) #roshhashanah #yomkippur #highholidays #cantorrevmishajoy #prayersofthetestaments #worldunitedinprayer #God #jewishprayers #hebrewprayers #messianicprayers #messianic #jewsandchristiansunited #jewishprayers #jewish #jewsandchristianstogether #christians #jews #messiah #jesus #mothermary #prayers #zochreinu #habenyakirli #ashamnu #avinumalkeinu #uvashofargadol #hineni #hayomtamtzeinu #uteshuvah #beroshhashanah #learntopray #pray #faith #moshiachnow
Shehecheyanu | Shabbat | Passover | Hanukkah | Prayers of the Testaments™ @AveMariaRecords #pray

Shehecheyanu | Shabbat | Passover | Hanukkah | Prayers of the Testaments™ @AveMariaRecords #pray

Shehecheyanu Passover Series, Volume 1 “Freedom” Prayers of the Testaments™ God’s Words Prayer Series in Hebrew and English Written, Recorded and Produced by Cantor Rev Misha Joy (Includes Original Melodies) M Joy Productions Video Production by Cantor Rev Misha Joy Photography footage of Israel by Rani Goldschmidt and Pexels Cantor Rev Misha Joy has been chanting prayers her entire life. God’s words are the source of our creation. Her mission is to share God’s words with those who do not know them, to heal those who are in need, to spread God’s love and unite God’s children as one. This is only the first volume of each series of many volumes to be released for the world to cherish, learn, heal and pray together.  "Learn the prayers our Messiah prayed..." Mission: World United in Prayer™ “Uniting God’s children through God’s words.”   ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “Christians and Jews throughout the world as one.”  ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy   “When we pray as one, we will achieve unity across all humanity, and we will see God.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy “The light of God will cover the darkness of the world when we are one.” ~Cantor Rev Misha Joy Cantor Rev Misha Joy Copyright 2021 Cantor Rev Misha Joy is a cantor for a synagogue and reverend with her own ministry, and a full-time counselor, assisting and guiding others on their life journey.  Her new music series, Prayers of the Testaments™ goal is to unite all of God’s children as One. She is a compassionate leader whose love for children is evident from her mission to raise funds for building Ave Maria Homes for God’s Children™ through her non-profit organization, World United in Prayer™.  Visit her record label, to learn more. Links: Donate: Available in all Music Stores: Apple: Spotify: iTunes: Deezer: iHeart Radio: Social: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Music Credit & License: It’s Been A While by Vlad Gluschenko | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #shechecheyanu #passover #givenuslife #hanukkah #shabbat #alhanissim #prayers #chanukah #lightonecandle #HanukkahBlessings #Blessings #HanukkahHanukkah #MaozTzur #RockofAges #oyhanukkah #daysofhanukkah #yemeihanukkah #ihavealittledreidel #miyemalel #whowillretell #kadkatan #alittlejug #passover #roshhashanah #yomkippur #highholidays #cantorrevmishajoy #prayersofthetestaments #VayechuluHashamayim #AnaBeKoach #AdonOlam #YedidNefesh #Veahavta #SimShalom #ShalomAlecheim #OsehShalom #LechaDodi #worldunitedinprayer #God #jewishprayers #hebrewprayers #messianicprayers #messianic #jewsandchristiansunited #jewishprayers #jewish #jewsandchristianstogether #christians #jews #messiah #jesus #mothermary #prayers #zochreinu #habenyakirli #ashamnu #avinumalkeinu #uvashofargadol #hineni #hayomtamtzeinu #uteshuvah #beroshhashanah #learntopray #pray #faith #moshiachnow #KadeshUrchatz #MaNishtana #BaruchHamakom #Dayenu #ShirHamalot #EliyahuHanavi #AnaAdonai #LShanaHabaah
🎶"I AM LUCKY LADYBUG"🎶🎤🥰#preschoollearning #BeABetterYou❤️@LuckyLadybug
Lucky Ladybug Official Kids Channel

🎶"I AM LUCKY LADYBUG"🎶🎤🥰#preschoollearning #BeABetterYou❤️@LuckyLadybug

Lucky Ladybug™ series, Lessons from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug™ teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed book and ebook, coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more. Developed for children ages 0-6, however children of all ages and adults may find a special connection with our adorable and loving Lucky Ladybug™. @LuckyLadybug "I AM LUCKY LADYBUG" Written & Produced by Margo Joy 🎶🎤 Cartoon Music Video 🎬🎞🎥 All Voices: Singing and Characters by @MargoJoy 🌹 In this video, Lucky Ladybug™ tells children about what she will teach them and how she can help them in their lives to learn life lessons. She wants them to know she can help them to "Be A Better You." 😍😘🦋🌹 LUCKY LADYBUG™ OFFICIAL CHANNEL ❤️🥰 BE A BETTER YOU 😇 LESSONS FROM THE HEART 📚Book 1 🌺 Written & Narrated by Margo Joy 🌼 Illustrated by Laura Schwan Enjoy Lucky Ladybug's book videos, music videos and more on youtube! Subscribe and be updated of new content... In All Stores: Picture Book 📚 Amazon link: Coloring Book 🖍 Amazon link: Books, Audio Books, Ebooks, Music, Activity Books, Toys, Merchandise 📚🖍📒🎶🎁🧸🧢👚 Website: Facebook: https://www.instagram/luckyladybugworld Instagram: Twitter: Lucky Ladybug™ Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Music Credit: Fable by Free Music | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #preschool #toddler #luckyladybug #childrensbooks #kidschannel #bedtimestories #lessonsfromtheheart #beabetteryou #caring #sharing #honesty #helping #friendship #love #confidence #followyourdreams #smile #standupstraight #respect #forgive #cartoon #seeyourbeauty #loveyourself #putonasmile Fable by Free Music | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License Lucky Ladybug™ Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
🎶"LOVE LOVE LOVE"❤️ BE A BETTER YOU #toddler #preschoollearning@LuckyLadybug
Lucky Ladybug Official Kids Channel

🎶"LOVE LOVE LOVE"❤️ BE A BETTER YOU #toddler #preschoollearning@LuckyLadybug

Lucky Ladybug™ series, Lessons from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug™ teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed book and ebook, coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more. Developed for children ages 0-6, however children of all ages and adults may find a special connection with our adorable and loving Lucky Ladybug™. @LuckyLadybug "LOVE LOVE LOVE" Written & Produced by Margo Joy 🎶🎤 Cartoon Music Video 🎬🎞🎥 All Voices: Singing and Characters by @MargoJoy 🌹 In this video, the children express how much they love their Lucky Ladybug™ for all the wonderful life lessons that she teaches them. 💗💛💚🧡 LUCKY LADYBUG™ OFFICIAL CHANNEL ❤️🥰 BE A BETTER YOU 😇 LESSONS FROM THE HEART 📚Book 1 🌺 Written & Narrated by Margo Joy 🌼 Illustrated by Laura Schwan Enjoy Lucky Ladybug's book videos, music videos and more on youtube! Subscribe and be updated of new content... In All Stores: Picture Book 📚 Amazon link: Coloring Book 🖍 Amazon link: Books, Audio Books, Ebooks, Music, Activity Books, Toys, Merchandise 📚🖍📒🎶🎁🧸🧢👚 Website: Facebook: https://www.instagram/luckyladybugworld Instagram: Twitter: Lucky Ladybug™ Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Music Credit: #preschool #toddler #luckyladybug #childrensbooks #kidschannel #bedtimestories #lessonsfromtheheart #beabetteryou #caring #sharing #honesty #helping #friendship #love #confidence #followyourdreams #smile #standupstraight #respect #forgive #cartoon #seeyourbeauty #loveyourself #putonasmile
🎶"LOVE THE YOU THAT YOU SEE"❤️#BeAbetterYOU #toddler #preschool@LuckyLadybug
Lucky Ladybug Official Kids Channel

🎶"LOVE THE YOU THAT YOU SEE"❤️#BeAbetterYOU #toddler #preschool@LuckyLadybug

Lucky Ladybug® series, Lessons from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug® teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed book and ebook, coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more. Developed for children ages 0-6, however children of all ages and adults may find a special connection with our adorable and loving Lucky Ladybug®. @LuckyLadybug "LOVE THE YOU THAT YOU SEE" 🪞😍 Written & Produced by Margo Joy 🎶🎤 Cartoon Music Video 🎬🎞🎥 All Voices: Singing and Characters by @MargoJoy 🌹 In this video, Lucky Ladybug® teaches children to "Love the You that You See." She would like children to look in the mirror and love who they are, who they want to become, and to love all about themselves so that they can grow up to be very confident individuals. LUCKY LADYBUG® OFFICIAL CHANNEL ❤️🥰 BE A BETTER YOU 😇 LESSONS FROM THE HEART 📚Book 1 🌺 Written & Narrated by Margo Joy 🌼 Illustrated by Laura Schwan Enjoy Lucky Ladybug's book videos, music videos and more on youtube! Subscribe and be updated of new content... In All Stores: Picture Book 📚 Amazon link: Coloring Book 🖍 Amazon link: Books, Audio Books, Ebooks, Music, Activity Books, Toys, Merchandise 📚🖍📒🎶🎁🧸🧢👚 Website: Facebook: https://www.instagram/luckyladybugworld Instagram: Twitter: Lucky Ladybug® Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Music Credit: Ukulele And Piano by MaxKoMusic | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported #preschool #toddler #luckyladybug #childrensbooks #kidschannel #bedtimestories #lessonsfromtheheart #beabetteryou #caring #sharing #honesty #helping #friendship #love #confidence #followyourdreams #smile #standupstraight #respect #forgive #cartoon #seeyourbeauty #loveyourself #putonasmile
🎶"SHARE YOUR HEART"❤️BE A BETTER YOU #toddler #preschool 📚🖍🧸@LuckyLadybug
Lucky Ladybug Official Kids Channel

🎶"SHARE YOUR HEART"❤️BE A BETTER YOU #toddler #preschool 📚🖍🧸@LuckyLadybug

Lucky Ladybug™ series, Lessons from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug™ teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed book and ebook, coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more. Developed for children ages 0-6, however children of all ages and adults may find a special connection with our adorable and loving Lucky Ladybug™. "SHARE YOUR HEART" 💗 Written & Produced by Margo Joy 🎶🎤 Cartoon Music Video 🎬🎞🎥 All Voices: Singing and Characters by @MargoJoy 🌹 In this video, Lucky Ladybug™ teaches children to share from their heart with others; loved ones, pets, friends, and all living things. 💜🌻🌷🌴 LUCKY LADYBUG™ OFFICIAL CHANNEL ❤️🥰 BE A BETTER YOU 😇 LESSONS FROM THE HEART 📚Book 1 🌺 Written & Narrated by Margo Joy 🌼 Illustrated by Laura Schwan Enjoy Lucky Ladybug's book videos, music videos and more on youtube! Subscribe and be updated of new content... In All Stores: Picture Book 📚 Amazon link: Coloring Book 🖍 Amazon link: Books, Audio Books, Ebooks, Music, Activity Books, Toys, Merchandise 📚🖍📒🎶🎁🧸🧢👚 Website: Facebook: https://www.instagram/luckyladybugworld Instagram: Twitter: Lucky Ladybug™ Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Music Credit: Children’s Picnic by Free Music | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #preschool #toddler #luckyladybug #childrensbooks #kidschannel #bedtimestories #lessonsfromtheheart #beabetteryou #caring #sharing #honesty #helping #friendship #love #confidence #followyourdreams #smile #standupstraight #respect #forgive #cartoon #seeyourbeauty #loveyourself #putonasmile
🎶"I GIVE YOU MY LOVE"❤️😘🎶BE A BETTER YOU🥰#toddler #preschool@LuckyLadybug
Lucky Ladybug Official Kids Channel

🎶"I GIVE YOU MY LOVE"❤️😘🎶BE A BETTER YOU🥰#toddler #preschool@LuckyLadybug

Lucky Ladybug® series, Lessons from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug® teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed book and ebook, coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more. Developed for children ages 0-6, however children of all ages and adults may find a special connection with our adorable and loving Lucky Ladybug®. @LuckyLadybug "I GIVE YOU MY LOVE" ❤️💝💜 Written & Produced by Margo Joy 🎶🎤 Cartoon Music Video 🎬🎞🎥 All Voices: Singing and Characters by @MargoJoy 🌹 In this video, Lucky Ladybug™ teaches children to give love to their friends and family, and to all of those they care about. 😍 LUCKY LADYBUG™ OFFICIAL CHANNEL ❤️🥰 BE A BETTER YOU 😇 LESSONS FROM THE HEART 📚Book 1 🌺 Written & Narrated by Margo Joy 🌼 Illustrated by Laura Schwan Enjoy Lucky Ladybug's book videos, music videos and more on youtube! Subscribe and be updated of new content... In All Stores: Picture Book 📚 Amazon link: Coloring Book 🖍 Amazon link: Books, Audio Books, Ebooks, Music, Activity Books, Toys, Merchandise 📚🖍📒🎶🎁🧸🧢👚 Website: Facebook: https://www.instagram/luckyladybugworld Instagram: Twitter: Lucky Ladybug® Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Music Credit: Time For Walk by Free Music | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #preschool #toddler #luckyladybug #childrensbooks #kidschannel #bedtimestories #lessonsfromtheheart #beabetteryou #caring #sharing #honesty #helping #friendship #love #confidence #followyourdreams #smile #standupstraight #respect #forgive #cartoon #seeyourbeauty #loveyourself #putonasmile
🎶"STAND UP STRAIGHT"👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻BE A BETTER YOU #toddler #kids@LuckyLadybug
Lucky Ladybug Official Kids Channel

🎶"STAND UP STRAIGHT"👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻BE A BETTER YOU #toddler #kids@LuckyLadybug

Lucky Ladybug™ series, Lessons from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug™ teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed book and ebook, coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more. Developed for children ages 0-6, however children of all ages and adults may find a special connection with our adorable and loving Lucky Ladybug™. @LuckyLadybug "STAND UP STRAIGHT" 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 Written & Produced by Margo Joy 🎶🎤 Cartoon Music Video 🎬🎞🎥 All Voices: Singing and Characters by @MargoJoy 🌹 In this video, Lucky Ladybug™ teaches children to Stand Up Straight so that they will always appear confident and secure for themselves and to others 🌷👬👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻. LUCKY LADYBUG™ OFFICIAL CHANNEL ❤️🥰 BE A BETTER YOU 😇 LESSONS FROM THE HEART 📚Book 1 🌺 Written & Narrated by Margo Joy 🌼 Illustrated by Laura Schwan Enjoy Lucky Ladybug's book videos, music videos and more on youtube! Subscribe and be updated of new content... In All Stores: Picture Book 📚 Amazon link: Coloring Book 🖍 Amazon link: Books, Audio Books, Ebooks, Music, Activity Books, Toys, Merchandise 📚🖍📒🎶🎁🧸🧢👚 Website: Facebook: https://www.instagram/luckyladybugworld Instagram: Twitter: Lucky Ladybug™ Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Music Credit: Cheerful Whistling by Free Music | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #preschool #toddler #luckyladybug #childrensbooks #kidschannel #bedtimestories #lessonsfromtheheart #beabetteryou #caring #sharing #honesty #helping #friendship #love #confidence #followyourdreams #smile #standupstraight #respect #forgive #cartoon #seeyourbeauty #loveyourself #putonasmile
🎶”BE A BETTER YOU"🌻❤️😇#kidschannel #preschool #learn #toddler@LuckyLadybug
Lucky Ladybug Official Kids Channel

🎶”BE A BETTER YOU"🌻❤️😇#kidschannel #preschool #learn #toddler@LuckyLadybug

Lucky Ladybug™ series, Lessons from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug™ teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed book and ebook, coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more. Developed for children ages 0-6, however children of all ages and adults may find a special connection with our adorable and loving Lucky Ladybug™. @LuckyLadybug "BE A BETTER YOU" 😍👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 Written & Produced by Margo Joy 🎶🎤 Cartoon Music Video 🎬🎞🎥 All Voices: Singing and Characters by @MargoJoy 🌹 In this video, Lucky Ladybug™ teaches children to be the best that they can be in every way! She shows them all about the kind ways they can treat each other and how they can do wonderful things in their lives to be the best person they can be.🤓🌷👬👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻. LUCKY LADYBUG™ OFFICIAL CHANNEL ❤️🥰 BE A BETTER YOU 😇 LESSONS FROM THE HEART 📚Book 1 🌺 Written & Narrated by Margo Joy 🌼 Illustrated by Laura Schwan Enjoy Lucky Ladybug's book videos, music videos and more on youtube! Subscribe and be updated of new content... In All Stores: Picture Book 📚 Amazon link: Coloring Book 🖍 Amazon link: Books, Audio Books, Ebooks, Music, Activity Books, Toys, Merchandise 📚🖍📒🎶🎁🧸🧢👚 Website: Facebook: https://www.instagram/luckyladybugworld Instagram: Twitter: Lucky Ladybug™ Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Music Credit: New Days by Roa Music | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License #preschool #toddler #luckyladybug #childrensbooks #kidschannel #bedtimestories #lessonsfromtheheart #beabetteryou #caring #sharing #honesty #helping #friendship #love #confidence #followyourdreams #smile #standupstraight #respect #forgive #cartoon #seeyourbeauty #loveyourself #putonasmile
🎶"PUT ON A SMILE"😍BE A BETTER YOU🥰#preschoollearning #toddler@LuckyLadybug
Lucky Ladybug Official Kids Channel

🎶"PUT ON A SMILE"😍BE A BETTER YOU🥰#preschoollearning #toddler@LuckyLadybug

Lucky Ladybug™ series, Lessons from the Heart. Lucky Ladybug™ teaches important lessons in her videos and on each page of the printed book and ebook, coloring books, including a song about each lesson that is available by audio book and music album; sharing, caring, beauty from within, honesty, listening, love yourself, confidence, helping others, acceptance, giving, respect, forgiveness, following your dreams and more. Developed for children ages 0-6, however children of all ages and adults may find a special connection with our adorable and loving Lucky Ladybug™. @LuckyLadybug "PUT ON A SMILE" 😃😍😊 Written & Produced by Margo Joy 🎶🎤 Cartoon Music Video 🎬🎞🎥 All Voices: Singing and Characters by @MargoJoy 🌹 In this video, Lucky Ladybug™ teaches children that no matter what is making them sad or upset, everything will be better in their life when they put on a smile. 😉☀️🌈⭐️ LUCKY LADYBUG™ OFFICIAL CHANNEL ❤️🥰 BE A BETTER YOU 😇 LESSONS FROM THE HEART 📚Book 1 🌺 Written & Narrated by Margo Joy 🌼 Illustrated by Laura Schwan Enjoy Lucky Ladybug's book videos, music videos and more on youtube! Subscribe and be updated of new content... In All Stores: Picture Book 📚 Amazon link: Coloring Book 🖍 Amazon link: Books, Audio Books, Ebooks, Music, Activity Books, Toys, Merchandise 📚🖍📒🎶🎁🧸🧢👚 Website: Facebook: https://www.instagram/luckyladybugworld Instagram: Twitter: Lucky Ladybug™ Copyright & Trademark Lucky Ladybug LLC All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced in any form, mechanically or electronically without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Music Credit: #preschool #toddler #luckyladybug #childrensbooks #kidschannel #bedtimestories #lessonsfromtheheart #beabetteryou #caring #sharing #honesty #helping #friendship #love #confidence #followyourdreams #smile #standupstraight #respect #forgive #cartoon #seeyourbeauty #loveyourself #putonasmile


RELEASE DEPRESSION | WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * Peaceful Sleep Journeys™* Sleep Well™ * Fall Asleep Peacefully --- BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL--- @PeacefulSleepJourneys WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * PEACEFUL SLEEP JOURNEY MEDITATION **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** Be Free of Ads while you relax and fall asleep: *Download the Peaceful Sleep Journeys app for IOS & ANDROID* Google Play: Apple: Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ offer ASMR Meditations and Lullabies to help you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Calming, healing relaxing video meditations and music will guide you to your place of peace.  These ASMR Meditations are designed to assist you in overcoming fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, insomnia, depression, sadness and more.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ brings you positive motivating direction in your thought process and perceptions on your life.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ has been found to transition adults, children and babies into a calming deep sleep, and gives a calming affect to pets as well. ​ Meditations are written, recorded and produced by Joy, creator of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™.  Divine Guidance from Beyond in your Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ await you.  ​ Sleep Well, @MargoJoy ​ Founder, Creator, Writer and Voice of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ Video Production by Margo Joy **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** ASMR MEDITATION Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, causes a tingling sensation in your head and neck after triggers like repetitive movements, sounds or whispering.  ASMR meditation relieves sadness and depression, stress, helps you to relax, fall asleep easily and assists in calming anxiety.  It is used to improve general wellness; such as heart disease, and other serious medical conditions, this also includes boosting energy levels and improving memory and focus. ​ Stress is very challenging to deal with, with meditation as a relaxing technique, you will find that daily and life situations are easier to handle, with a clearer mind and calmer energy. Meditation is known to relieve and reduce insomnia and its symptoms.  The majority of people with insomnia who meditated on a daily basis were able to fall asleep more quickly.  In fact, most of them needed only up to 20 minutes to drift into sleep.  Additionally, insomniacs reduced or completely eliminated their use of sleeping medication.  ​ Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms. Studies show that women practicing meditation noticed a reduction in both the physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Social Media Links Please Follow Here: Donations Credit: Pexels Ethereal by Punch Deck | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** #ReleaseDepression #PeacefulSleepJourneys #SleepWell #asmr #whisper #meditation #beyond #heaven #divine #softspoken #tingles #relaxing #calming #peaceful #angelmessages #divineguidance #insomnia #detach #peacefulsleepjourneys #sleepwell
GRIEF LOSS RELEASE | HEALING WHISPER ASMR MEDITATION @PeacefulSleepJourneys #insomnia #anxiety

GRIEF LOSS RELEASE | HEALING WHISPER ASMR MEDITATION @PeacefulSleepJourneys #insomnia #anxiety

GRIEF AND LOSS RELEASE | WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * Peaceful Sleep Journeys™* Sleep Well™ * Fall Asleep Peacefully --- BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL--- @PeacefulSleepJourneys WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * PEACEFUL SLEEP JOURNEY MEDITATION **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** Be Free of Ads while you relax and fall asleep: *Download the Peaceful Sleep Journeys app for IOS & ANDROID* Google Play: Apple: Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ offer ASMR Meditations to help you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Calming relaxing video meditations and music will guide you to your place of peace.  These ASMR Meditations are designed to assist you in overcoming fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, insomnia, depression, sadness and more.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ brings you positive motivating direction in your thought process and perceptions on your life.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ has been found to transition adults, children and babies into a calming deep sleep, and gives a calming affect to pets as well. ​ Meditations are written, recorded and produced by Joy, creator of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™.  Divine Guidance from Beyond in your Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ await you.  ​ Sleep Well, @MargoJoy ​ Founder, Creator, Writer and Voice of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ Video Production by Margo Joy **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** ASMR MEDITATION Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, causes a tingling sensation in your head and neck after triggers like repetitive movements, sounds or whispering.  ASMR meditation relieves sadness and depression, stress, helps you to relax, fall asleep easily and assists in calming anxiety.  It is used to improve general wellness; such as heart disease, and other serious medical conditions, this also includes boosting energy levels and improving memory and focus. ​ Stress is very challenging to deal with, with meditation as a relaxing technique, you will find that daily and life situations are easier to handle, with a clearer mind and calmer energy. Meditation is known to relieve and reduce insomnia and its symptoms.  The majority of people with insomnia who meditated on a daily basis were able to fall asleep more quickly.  In fact, most of them needed only up to 20 minutes to drift into sleep.  Additionally, insomniacs reduced or completely eliminated their use of sleeping medication.  ​ Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms. Studies show that women practicing meditation noticed a reduction in both the physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Social Media Links Please Follow Here: Donations Credit: Pexels Under The Stars by Punch Deck | Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** #asmr #whisper #griefandloss #meditation #beyond #heaven #divine #softspoken #tingles #relaxing #calming #peaceful #angelmessages #divineguidance #insomnia
BREATHE | HEALING [WHISPER ASMR GUIDED MEDITATION] @PeacefulSleepJourneys #1 Insomnia Relief

BREATHE | HEALING [WHISPER ASMR GUIDED MEDITATION] @PeacefulSleepJourneys #1 Insomnia Relief

BREATHE | WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * Peaceful Sleep Journeys™* Sleep Well™ * Fall Asleep Peacefully --- BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL--- @PeacefulSleepJourneys WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * PEACEFUL SLEEP JOURNEY MEDITATION **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** Be Free of Ads while you relax and fall asleep: *Download the Peaceful Sleep Journeys app for IOS & ANDROID* Google Play: Apple: Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ offer ASMR Meditations to help you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Calming, healing and relaxing video meditations and music will guide you to your place of peace.  These ASMR Meditations are designed to assist you in overcoming fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, insomnia, depression, sadness and more.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ brings you positive motivating direction in your thought process and perceptions on your life.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ has been found to transition adults, children and babies into a calming deep sleep, and gives a calming affect to pets as well. ​ Meditations are written, recorded and produced by Joy, creator of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™.  Divine Guidance from Beyond in your Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ await you.  ​ Sleep Well, @MargoJoy ​ Founder, Creator, Writer and Voice of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ Video Production by Margo Joy Credit: MixKit **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** ASMR MEDITATION Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, causes a tingling sensation in your head and neck after triggers like repetitive movements, sounds or whispering.  ASMR meditation relieves sadness and depression, stress, helps you to relax, fall asleep easily and assists in calming anxiety.  It is used to improve general wellness; such as heart disease, and other serious medical conditions, this also includes boosting energy levels and improving memory and focus. ​ Stress is very challenging to deal with, with meditation as a relaxing technique, you will find that daily and life situations are easier to handle, with a clearer mind and calmer energy. Meditation is known to relieve and reduce insomnia and its symptoms.  The majority of people with insomnia who meditated on a daily basis were able to fall asleep more quickly.  In fact, most of them needed only up to 20 minutes to drift into sleep.  Additionally, insomniacs reduced or completely eliminated their use of sleeping medication.  ​ Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms. Studies show that women practicing meditation noticed a reduction in both the physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Social Media Links Please Follow Here: Donations Ocean Waves by Siddhartha Corsus is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** #asmr #healing #whisper #meditation #relaxing #peaceful


SONG OF PEACE| WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * Peaceful Sleep Journeys™* Sleep Well™ * Fall Asleep Peacefully --- BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL--- @PeacefulSleepJourneys WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * PEACEFUL SLEEP JOURNEY MEDITATION **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** Be Free of Ads while you relax and fall asleep: *Download the Peaceful Sleep Journeys app for IOS & ANDROID* Google Play: Apple: Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ offer ASMR Meditations to help you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Calming, healing and relaxing video meditations and music will guide you to your place of peace.  These ASMR Meditations are designed to assist you in overcoming fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, insomnia, depression, sadness and more.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ brings you positive motivating direction in your thought process and perceptions on your life.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ has been found to transition adults, children and babies into a calming deep sleep, and gives a calming affect to pets as well. ​ Meditations are written, recorded and produced by Joy, creator of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™.  Divine Guidance from Beyond in your Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ await you.  ​ Sleep Well, @MargoJoy ​ Founder, Creator, Writer and Voice of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ Video Production by Margo Joy Credit: MixKit **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** ASMR MEDITATION Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, causes a tingling sensation in your head and neck after triggers like repetitive movements, sounds or whispering.  ASMR meditation relieves sadness and depression, stress, helps you to relax, fall asleep easily and assists in calming anxiety.  It is used to improve general wellness; such as heart disease, and other serious medical conditions, this also includes boosting energy levels and improving memory and focus. ​ Stress is very challenging to deal with, with meditation as a relaxing technique, you will find that daily and life situations are easier to handle, with a clearer mind and calmer energy. Meditation is known to relieve and reduce insomnia and its symptoms.  The majority of people with insomnia who meditated on a daily basis were able to fall asleep more quickly.  In fact, most of them needed only up to 20 minutes to drift into sleep.  Additionally, insomniacs reduced or completely eliminated their use of sleeping medication.  ​ Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms. Studies show that women practicing meditation noticed a reduction in both the physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Social Media Links Please Follow Here: Donations Music Credit Wave Ambient Background - Musway Studio **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** #asmr #healing #whisper #meditation #insomnia #peaceful #relax


PATTERNS | WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * Peaceful Sleep Journeys™* Sleep Well™ * Fall Asleep Peacefully --- BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL--- ​⁠​⁠@PeacefulSleepJourneys WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * PEACEFUL SLEEP JOURNEY MEDITATION **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** Be Free of Ads while you relax and fall asleep: *Download the Peaceful Sleep Journeys app for IOS & ANDROID* Google Play: Apple: Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ offer ASMR Meditations to help you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Calming, healing and relaxing video meditations and music will guide you to your place of peace.  These ASMR Meditations are designed to assist you in overcoming fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, insomnia, depression, sadness and more.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ brings you positive motivating direction in your thought process and perceptions on your life.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ has been found to transition adults, children and babies into a calming deep sleep, and gives a calming affect to pets as well. ​ Meditations are written, recorded and produced by Joy, creator of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™.  Divine Guidance from Beyond in your Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ await you.  ​ Sleep Well, ​⁠​⁠@MargoJoy ​ Founder, Creator, Writer and Voice of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ Video Production by Margo Joy Credit: Pixabay **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** ASMR MEDITATION Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, causes a tingling sensation in your head and neck after triggers like repetitive movements, sounds or whispering.  ASMR meditation relieves sadness and depression, stress, helps you to relax, fall asleep easily and assists in calming anxiety.  It is used to improve general wellness; such as heart disease, and other serious medical conditions, this also includes boosting energy levels and improving memory and focus. ​ Stress is very challenging to deal with, with meditation as a relaxing technique, you will find that daily and life situations are easier to handle, with a clearer mind and calmer energy. Meditation is known to relieve and reduce insomnia and its symptoms.  The majority of people with insomnia who meditated on a daily basis were able to fall asleep more quickly.  In fact, most of them needed only up to 20 minutes to drift into sleep.  Additionally, insomniacs reduced or completely eliminated their use of sleeping medication.  ​ Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms. Studies show that women practicing meditation noticed a reduction in both the physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Social Media Links Please Follow Here: Donations **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** #asmr #whisper #meditation
RECEIVING ABUNDANCE | WHISPER ASMR MEDITATION @PeacefulSleepJourneys #sleepwell #1Insomnia Relief

RECEIVING ABUNDANCE | WHISPER ASMR MEDITATION @PeacefulSleepJourneys #sleepwell #1Insomnia Relief

RECEIVING ABUNDANCE | WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * Peaceful Sleep Journeys™* Sleep Well™ * Fall Asleep Peacefully --- BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL--- WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * PEACEFUL SLEEP JOURNEY MEDITATION **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** Be Free of Ads while you relax and fall asleep: *Download the Peaceful Sleep Journeys app for IOS & ANDROID* Google Play: Apple: Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ offer ASMR Meditations to help you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Calming, healing and relaxing video meditations and music will guide you to your place of peace.  These ASMR Meditations are designed to assist you in overcoming fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, insomnia, depression, sadness and more.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ brings you positive motivating direction in your thought process and perceptions on your life.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ has been found to transition adults, children and babies into a calming deep sleep, and gives a calming affect to pets as well. ​ Meditations are written, recorded and produced by Joy, creator of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™.  Divine Guidance from Beyond in your Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ await you.  ​ Sleep Well, @MargoJoy ​ Founder, Creator, Writer and Voice of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ Video Production by Margo Joy Credit: MixKit **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** ASMR MEDITATION Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, causes a tingling sensation in your head and neck after triggers like repetitive movements, sounds or whispering.  ASMR meditation relieves sadness and depression, stress, helps you to relax, fall asleep easily and assists in calming anxiety.  It is used to improve general wellness; such as heart disease, and other serious medical conditions, this also includes boosting energy levels and improving memory and focus. ​ Stress is very challenging to deal with, with meditation as a relaxing technique, you will find that daily and life situations are easier to handle, with a clearer mind and calmer energy. Meditation is known to relieve and reduce insomnia and its symptoms.  The majority of people with insomnia who meditated on a daily basis were able to fall asleep more quickly.  In fact, most of them needed only up to 20 minutes to drift into sleep.  Additionally, insomniacs reduced or completely eliminated their use of sleeping medication.  ​ Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms. Studies show that women practicing meditation noticed a reduction in both the physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Social Media Links Please Follow Here: Donations Music Credit Siddhartha Corsus is licensed under a Attribution License.CC BY-NC **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** #asmr #healing #whisper #meditation #relaxing #peaceful


Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ * Sleep Well™ * Fall Asleep Peacefully SLEEP PEACEFULLY - ASMR PEACEFUL SLEEP JOURNEY MEDITATION --- BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL--- @PeacefulSleepJourneys **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** WHISPER | ASMR GUIDED MEDITATION * SLEEP PEACEFULLY *DRIFT INTO SLEEP *FALL ASLEEP FAST Be Free of Ads while you relax and fall asleep: *Download the Peaceful Sleep Journeys app for IOS & ANDROID* Google Play: Apple: Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ offer ASMR Meditations to help you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Calming relaxing video meditations and music will guide you to your place of peace.  These ASMR Meditations are designed to assist you in overcoming fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, insomnia, depression, sadness and more.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ brings you positive motivating direction in your thought process and perceptions on your life.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ has been found to transition adults, children and babies into a calming deep sleep, and gives a calming affect to pets as well. ​ Meditations are written, recorded and produced by Joy, creator of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™.  Divine Guidance from Beyond in your Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ await you.  ​ Sleep Well, @MargoJoy ​ Founder, Creator, Writer and Voice of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ Video Production by Margo Joy Credit: MixKit **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** ASMR MEDITATION Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, causes a tingling sensation in your head and neck after triggers like repetitive movements, sounds or whispering.  ASMR meditation relieves sadness and depression, stress, helps you to relax, fall asleep easily and assists in calming anxiety.  It is used to improve general wellness; such as heart disease, and other serious medical conditions, this also includes boosting energy levels and improving memory and focus. ​ Stress is very challenging to deal with, with meditation as a relaxing technique, you will find that daily and life situations are easier to handle, with a clearer mind and calmer energy. Meditation is known to relieve and reduce insomnia and its symptoms.  The majority of people with insomnia who meditated on a daily basis were able to fall asleep more quickly.  In fact, most of them needed only up to 20 minutes to drift into sleep.  Additionally, insomniacs reduced or completely eliminated their use of sleeping medication.  ​ Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms. Studies show that women practicing meditation noticed a reduction in both the physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Social Media Links Please Follow Here: Donations **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** #asmr #whisper #meditation #beyond #heaven #divine #softspoken #tingles #relaxing #calming #peaceful #angelmessages #divineguidance #insomnia #detach #peacefulsleepjourneys #sleepwell #peacefulsleepjourneys #sleepwell #whisperasmrmeditation #whisper #asmrmeditation #asmr #fallasleepfast #fallasleepinstantly #softspoken #calming #sleeppeacefully #cureinsomnia #relievestress #relieveanxiety #peaceful
FORGIVENESS | HEALING [WHISPER ASMR MEDITATION] @PeacefulSleepJourneys (#1 Insomnia Relief)

FORGIVENESS | HEALING [WHISPER ASMR MEDITATION] @PeacefulSleepJourneys (#1 Insomnia Relief)

FORGIVENESS | WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * Peaceful Sleep Journeys™* Sleep Well™ * Fall Asleep Peacefully --- BRAND NEW YOUTUBE CHANNEL--- @PeacefulSleepJourneys WHISPER | ASMR MEDITATION * PEACEFUL SLEEP JOURNEY MEDITATION **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** Be Free of Ads while you relax and fall asleep: *Download the Peaceful Sleep Journeys app for IOS & ANDROID* Google Play: Apple: Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ offer ASMR Meditations to help you drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Calming, healing and relaxing video meditations and music will guide you to your place of peace.  These ASMR Meditations are designed to assist you in overcoming fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, insomnia, depression, sadness and more.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ brings you positive motivating direction in your thought process and perceptions on your life.  Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ has been found to transition adults, children and babies into a calming deep sleep, and gives a calming affect to pets as well. ​ Meditations are written, recorded and produced by Joy, creator of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™.  Divine Guidance from Beyond in your Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ await you.  ​ Sleep Well, @MargoJoy ​ Founder, Creator, Writer and Voice of Peaceful Sleep Journeys™ Video Production by Joy Credit: Pexels **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** ASMR MEDITATION Autonomous sensory meridian response, or ASMR, causes a tingling sensation in your head and neck after triggers like repetitive movements, sounds or whispering.  ASMR meditation relieves sadness and depression, stress, helps you to relax, fall asleep easily and assists in calming anxiety.  It is used to improve general wellness; such as heart disease, and other serious medical conditions, this also includes boosting energy levels and improving memory and focus. ​ Stress is very challenging to deal with, with meditation as a relaxing technique, you will find that daily and life situations are easier to handle, with a clearer mind and calmer energy. Meditation is known to relieve and reduce insomnia and its symptoms.  The majority of people with insomnia who meditated on a daily basis were able to fall asleep more quickly.  In fact, most of them needed only up to 20 minutes to drift into sleep.  Additionally, insomniacs reduced or completely eliminated their use of sleeping medication.  ​ Meditation can reduce PMS symptoms. Studies show that women practicing meditation noticed a reduction in both the physical and psychological PMS symptoms. Social Media Links Please Follow Here: Donations **PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to receive notifications of NEW ASMR MEDITATION VIDEOS** #asmr #healing #whisper #meditation #relaxing #peaceful
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